Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Message from Senator Baker

Many of you previously received a personal email from JMA Investigative Services, Inc. inviting you to "SAVE THE DATE" with Senator Baker on February 21st, 2010 in Clearwater, FL.

We received this email February 12th, 2010 from FASCO

Date: February 12, 2010
From: KC Poulin, CPOI, CPS, CHS-III, ATO
President, FASCO
President/CEO, Critical Intervention Services, Inc.
To: Owners, Managers and Operators of Private Security Agencies in Florida
Dear FASCO Members,

I am honored to have received the John M. Russi Award, as well as the Florida Association of Security Officers' endorsement for my Commissioner of Agriculture race. The support of security officers means a great deal to me, both personally and professionally.

Those who protect the rights and safety of others deserve the very best. I have worked to ensure that our security officers have the best equipment, the best training, and the best environment to protect Floridians.

As a state legislator, I have sponsored and supported bills which enhanced the personal safety and protection of Licensed Security Officers. I sponsored the bill which allowed security officers to upgrade their weapons, so they would be better equipped to handle any potential threats. I also sponsored legislation which increased the penalties for assaulting a security officer, raising punishment to the same level as assaulting a police officer.

As some of my closest and most dedicated supporters, you deserve to hear this message from me first. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the help you have given me in my campaign for the Commissioner of Agriculture seat. You've answered the calls, reached out to friends and helped make a difference in this race.

As with any campaign, you have to achieve certain objectives to set yourself up for victory. I had to prepare myself to wage a full-scale campaign that would give Floridians a chance to see what I had to offer them if elected Commissioner of Agriculture. This would not be an easy task in a big state like ours, but nothing ever worth pursuing is easy.

Unfortunately, I was unable to meet those goals. And so I was faced with a difficult decision, but ultimately a necessary one. With so many other challenges to address in our state, particularly in the Legislature, it would be wrong of me to continue a campaign when I have not met the goals I need to win. It's time for me to choose where I am most prepared to help the people of Florida.

Today, I will be announcing my withdrawal from the Commissioner of Agriculture race. As Chairman of the General Government Appropriations Committee in the Florida Senate, I can be a voice for sound fiscal policies that will help bring jobs back to Florida and reduce the burden of wasteful government spending on small businesses and families. While I withdraw my candidacy with a heavy heart, I know that as a full-time Senator, I can continue to make a difference and make you proud.

Once again, thank you for your trust and support in this campaign. You've stood by me and have never let me down, and your efforts have helped move this campaign and bring a number of important issues to the debate over Florida's future. I'm proud to have earned your friendship, and I hope to keep that trust as I finish out my term in the Senate.

Best wishes,

The Florida Association Of Security Companies
The Florida Association of Security Companies (FASCO) is the largest professional organization of its kind in the state of Florida, and we are still growing. We attribute our successes to the efforts of our members. Imagine what we can accomplish as we move into the future!
Our mission is to work with our members and state regulators to promote professionalism and improve the image of private security in Florida. We support law enforcement and other emergency services in protecting our citizens and property, and in being an integral part of Florida's homeland security and hurricane recovery programs. We are a respected voice representing our industry to the Florida Legislature and other political entities. Through it all, we promote responsible managerial practices among our members and encourage the reporting of unlicensed, unethical or illegal practices.
In our efforts to promote the professionalism and improve the image of our industry over the last few years we joined with professional organizations representing law enforcement and saw some significant accomplishments:
  • 2005: We successfully lobbied for a change in FS493 to allow 'G' licensed security officers to carry 9mm semi-automatic pistols
  • 2006: We successfully lobbied for a change in FS794 to elevate battery on a licensed security officer to a third degree felony.
  • 2007: We successfully lobbied for a change in FS316 to allow security vehicles to display amber and green lights.
  • 2008: We established joint conferencing with the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators.
  • 2009: We became a Founding Member in the Council of Presidents representing all Chapter 493 licensees, and FASCO successfully prevented the raiding from the Division of Licensing Trust Fund by the legislature.
In the coming years, among other legislative efforts, we hope to see changes in FS493 that will expressly allow security officers the authority to detain subjects who commit crimes on or threaten the properties we protect. We also hope to offer direct support to our members in the form of better access to professional development opportunities, business management tools, and networking with other owners and managers.
All FASCO board members are owners or senior managers of private security agencies in Florida who donate our time to these efforts. Your membership dues support FASCO directly by funding our John M. Russi Award, which is presented to one outstanding security officer each year; supporting our website; supporting lobbying efforts; and providing for miscellaneous office and administrative supplies. Most importantly, your membership and active participation adds incredible power to our voice as we move to improve our industry.
If you are a serious security professional and have a genuine interest in supporting our industry as we move forward, we encourage you to join FASCO today!

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