Saturday, May 15, 2010

JMA Topic: Child Custody cases involving Injunctions

You may currently be in the middle of a divorce and/or custody case when all the sudden you are served with a Temporary injunction for protection by your soon to be ex spouse. This happens far too often then it should, but it happens. Most of the time these injunctions are based on hearsay and not actual evidence. At this point there is no need to get upset or angry, but, you must follow the instructions on this injunction or face criminal charges and/or jail time.

I have had clients in the past (and currently) that come to me asking for help regarding their custody case and they become so worried about the injunction. While many believe this creates a problem, it really does not. It simply changes how we approach this obstical. I will still meet with them and explain the process. This same process that I am going to briefly discuss with you today.

At this point I advise my potential client to retain the services of a reputable attorney and have the attorney contact me when he/she is ready to proceed with our investigation. Once this is completed then all requests, reports, payments, updates, pictures, video, etc go to the attorney and not to the "client," as the "client" is actually the attorney's "client". Therefore, I am working for the attorney and not the "client". This allows the client to still proceed with their initial legal action plans and not worry about going to jail for a violation of injunction. The client then receives updates directly from their attorney. At no point do I release any information to the individual. Not only is this unethical it could also become a legal issue and cause for a violation of the injunction.

You should speak to your attorney about having the injunction dropped as part of your settlement, if you are able to settle out of court. Note, settling out of court is the best option if both parties can come to an agreement. This should be your secondary concern, your children being the primary concern.

Are you currently going through a divorce case involving minor children and have been served with an injunction? Are you going through a child custody case and have been served an injunction? JMA can help and we have the experience to handle these situations. Call us today for a FREE no obligation consultation.

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.
(904) 813-1710
FL Lic# A 2700485

Saturday, May 1, 2010

GPS Loggers VS GPS Trackers

I absolutely love the GPS Tracking technology! Its simple, it works, provides results and saves my clients hundreds of dollars over traditional methods of following the subject/vehicle. While we do still enjoy working surveillance and tailing vehicles, we also like to offer many options to our clients. With times like this, everyone needs to save money and with JMA we can help you save money while providing you with our professional Investigative services.

My previous blog post, see "GPS TRACKERS," we discussed the numerous options that these wonderful devices offer. Today I want to cover "GPS LOGGERS."

What is a GPS Logger? Well a GPS Logger is very similar to a GPS Tracker with really 1 exception, you do not get the LIVE up to date location info as you would with a GPS Tracker. You still have to decide on a unit that has a battery life that you need and I do not know of any logger that can be hard wired into the vehicle.

A GPS Logger can save the client even more money over LIVE GPS TRACKERS if they do not need that "On demand live update" that some clients do need or prefer. A GPS Logger is placed in the vehicle or subjects belongings and must be retrieved at a later time. The GPS Logger can then be connected to a computer via USB port and the GPS information can be downloaded and viewed on services such as Google Maps.

These devices work fairly well but again, must be retrieved in order to obtain the previous log information. If they are lost, you have no way to find them.

JMA Investigative Services, Inc. has the experience, equipment and knowledge that you are looking for. We are also here to answer any questions you may have. Including GPS Logger questions and options to fit any budget!

Give us a call or email today for a FREE consultation!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.
(904) 813-1710
FL Lic# A 2700485