Saturday, May 1, 2010

GPS Loggers VS GPS Trackers

I absolutely love the GPS Tracking technology! Its simple, it works, provides results and saves my clients hundreds of dollars over traditional methods of following the subject/vehicle. While we do still enjoy working surveillance and tailing vehicles, we also like to offer many options to our clients. With times like this, everyone needs to save money and with JMA we can help you save money while providing you with our professional Investigative services.

My previous blog post, see "GPS TRACKERS," we discussed the numerous options that these wonderful devices offer. Today I want to cover "GPS LOGGERS."

What is a GPS Logger? Well a GPS Logger is very similar to a GPS Tracker with really 1 exception, you do not get the LIVE up to date location info as you would with a GPS Tracker. You still have to decide on a unit that has a battery life that you need and I do not know of any logger that can be hard wired into the vehicle.

A GPS Logger can save the client even more money over LIVE GPS TRACKERS if they do not need that "On demand live update" that some clients do need or prefer. A GPS Logger is placed in the vehicle or subjects belongings and must be retrieved at a later time. The GPS Logger can then be connected to a computer via USB port and the GPS information can be downloaded and viewed on services such as Google Maps.

These devices work fairly well but again, must be retrieved in order to obtain the previous log information. If they are lost, you have no way to find them.

JMA Investigative Services, Inc. has the experience, equipment and knowledge that you are looking for. We are also here to answer any questions you may have. Including GPS Logger questions and options to fit any budget!

Give us a call or email today for a FREE consultation!

JMA Investigative Services, Inc.
(904) 813-1710
FL Lic# A 2700485

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